Our team

Sanaz Khadem, MSc
Research technician

Ekaterina Kolodyazhnaya
Master student (remote)
Master theses:
(expected) 2024 Mina Joseph Comparative genomics on skin~staphylococci in relation to atopic dermatitis, CMESS, UniWien, Austria. Co-supervisor: David Berry.
2023 Ekaterina Vostokova Comparative Genomics of Wolbachia spp. Skoltech, Moscow, Russia. Co-supervisor: Mikhail Gelfand. preprint
2019 Moldir Zhiyenbayeva Comparative Genomics of Bacillus spp.. HSE, Moscow, Russia. Co-supervisor: Mikhail Gelfand.
Bachelor theses:
(expected) 2024 Günther Patterer Machine learning allows for predicting antibiotic resistance in staphylocci bacteria isolated from skin of atopic dermatitis patients and advice doctors for right antimicrobial drug, CMESS, UniWien, Austria. Co-supervisor: David Berry.
2018 Natalia Dranenko Reconstruction of OxyR ancestor sequence in bacteria. MIPT, Moscow, Russia. Co-supervisor: Mikhail Gelfand.
Term papers:
2023 Bogdan Sotnikov, Valeria Rubinova Conservation of start codons in bacterial gene families. Bioinformatics Institute, St. Petersburg, Russia
2023 Ekaterina Kolodyazhnaya Identification of new mechanisms of phase variation in bacteria. Moscow State University, Moscow, Russia
2021 Ariadna Semenova Insertion sequences in B. mallei and their role in adaptation to intracellular lifestyle. Moscow State University, Moscow, Russia conference paper
2020 Yulia Yakovleva, Alexey Zabelkin Development of the mathod for parallel rearrangements identification. Bioinformatics Institute, St. Petersburg, Russia paper. Co-supervisor: Nikita Alexeyev.
2019, 2020 Kristina Perevoshchikova Evolutionary benefits of bacterial genomes with chromids. Moscow, Russia conference paper
2019 Zaira Seferbekova Impact of mobile elements into pathogenicity of Shigella. Moscow State University, Moscow, Russia (paper)
2017 Anna Karan Evolutionary history of rearrangements in Streptococcus pneumoniae. Moscow State University, Moscow, Russia (paper)