
University courses
Term course ‘Comparative Genomics of Prokaryotes’
The course covers basic and advanced topics of comparative genomics necessary for deep analysis of bacterial genomes such as genomic databases, functional annotation and orthologs prediction, pangenomics, phylogenetic analysis, prediction of regulatory elements, annotation of genomic rearrangements, and ancestral reconstruction. The lectures include an overview of the biological processes and models, summary of popular approaches and software and scientific context and recent papers in the field. Practice part comprises a set of home assignments which would require basic programming skills. The participants get an overview of evolutionary processes at genome level and be able to analyze the genomic data in the context of both theoretical and practical genomics problems.

Summer School of Theoretical and Molecular Biology
an initiative by Dr. Kondrashov to let high-school students participate in real scientific research.
Supervised projects
- 2023 How to train your plasmid
- 2022 The dimensionality of protein sequence space
- 2022 The Mysteries of the Histidine Triad Protein Family
- 2021 Evolution of genome complexity: Are bacteria as trivial as we expect?
- 2020 Effectors’ evolution in pathogenic E.coli
- 2019 Mystery of the secondary chromosome
- 2019 Extinction of the secondary chromosome
- 2017 Rearrangements in Vibrio genomes
- 2016 Genome rearrangements in pathogens
Youtube lectures/workshops

Youtube lectures
2023 How bacteria switch to dark side (In Russian) video slides
2020 Structure and evolution of bacterial chromosomes (In Russian) video slides
2020 Comparative genomics of prokaryotes, cookbook (In Russian) video slides